Saturday, March 14, 2020

English Unit 7 Essays

English Unit 7 Essays English Unit 7 Paper English Unit 7 Paper Essay Topic: Poetry a cause for which Swift wrote the devaluation of Irish coins Tory party Swifts, Johnsons, Goldsmiths political party subject of the Deserted Village destruction of village life Gullivers Travels a political satire labouring swain is an example poetic diction johnson believed literature should appeal mainly to this person common man political events of second half of the eighteenth century growing British empire published by Johnson A dictionary of the English language published by Goldsmith The Vicar of Wakefield simile a comparison using like or as In On the morning of Christs nativity, what did Christ forsake and what did he choose? He left Heaven to live in darkness as a mortal In On His Blindness, Milton regrets that his blindness restricts his work The repetition of initial consonants is alliteration Verse having units of two rhyming lines with five iambic feet in each line is written in heroic couplets to give something human characteristics is to _______ it personify a story in which things represent parts of a doctrine or theme is an allegory a type of literature that ridicules something to correct behavior is a satire an poem with fourteen lines, either Italian or English, is a sonnet Periodicals and the novel became more popular as the more powerful ______ class began to read. middle Milton was imprisoned because of his previous position in the commonwealth Charles II was ________ to the throne in 1660 restored When public land was ________ for private estates, many of the rural poor were driven away enclosed John Bunyan studied _________ after the civil war the Bible The Commonwealth and the Industrial Revolution helped to create a more strong middle class The poet takes the loss of The Deserted Village personally because he planned to retire there How are Bunyans characters in Pilgrims Progress more than just symbols? They are described very realistically What is one country or group people that Swift used in Gullivers Travels to satirize English society? the Brobgingians, the Lilliputians, and their emperor, Laputans In Pilgrims Progress what does the character Christian represent? He represents a man trying to overcome inner obstacles, trying to save his soul T:F/ In The Deserted Village, the villagers are driven from their homes because the Enclosure Acts have enabled a wealthy landowner to buy the public property. True T:F/ In that same poem, the poet says the villagers will either go to America or to crowded, corrupted charity homes. False T:F/ In Gullivers Travels, the king of Brobdingnag observes that most men are morally qualified for their careers. false T/F: Goldsmith wrote a novel entitled The Vicar of Wakefield, about a parsons family. true T/F: At the end of The Deserted Village, poetry lives with the rural virtues and the displaced villagers because people left in England are too corrupted by wealth to appreciate art. true T/F: The Puritans felt that the Anglican Church was corrupted true T/F: Oliver Goldsmith believed that extreme wealth is destructive. true T/F: Oliver Goldsmith wrote very few periodical essays. false T/F: In The Deserted Village, Goldsmith insults the sentimental village preacher false T/F: Samuel Johnson wrote periodical essays in numerous newspapers true

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